A personal health card or TSI (Targeta Sanitària Individual, TSI) is a document that provides access to the public health system. You must therefore have it with you whenever you contact a health centre. You will also need your card (and an official prescription issued by your doctor) in order to buy medicines from chemist's shops at subsidised prices.

Your TSI has a personal, non-transferable magnetic strip. The card guarantees the confidentiality of your personal data and is provided free of charge. Regardless of their age, each member of your family should have their own TSI.

You can get a TSI from your primary healthcare centre (Centre d'Atenció Primària, CAP). The only requisites are that you must have signed up for inclusion on the population register of the town or city in which you live and provide proof of your identity by means of your passport or foreigner ID document (NIE).