A new resident in the building


La nova veïna:
Hola, bon dia. M'acabo d'instal·lar al segon pis. Em dic _______. M'han dit que vostè és el president de l'escala.
El president:
Hola, jo em dic ______. Molt de gust de conèixer-la.
La nova veïna:
Voldria que m'expliqués les normes que tenen a la comunitat.
El president:
Doncs la neteja de l'escala ens la repartim entre tots. Els veïns d'un replà s'organitzen la feina de manera rotativa; cada setmana la fa un veí. La neteja de la porteria la fa una senyora que ve un cop a la setmana.
La nova veïna:
I el terrat, el podem utilitzar?
El president:
El terrat el pot utilitzar per estendre la roba, però no el pot fer servir per emmagatzemar-hi trastos.
La nova veïna:
A mi m'agradaria instal·lar una antena parabòlica.
El president:
Ho ha de fer al terrat, perquè la normativa municipal prohibeix instal·lar antenes als balcons o les finestres dels pisos. Ho consultaré amb la resta de veïns. No crec que hi hagi cap problema.
La nova veïna:
Moltes gràcies, és molt amable. Ja m'avisarà de les reunions de veïns.
El president:
De res; ja la tindré informada.


New resident:

Good morning. I've just moved in on the second floor. My name's _______. I've been told that you're the chairperson of the building's association.


Hello, my name's ______. Pleased to meet you.

New resident:

I was hoping you could tell me about the association's rules.


Well, we all clean the staircase between us. The residents on each floor take turns to clean their area. One of them cleans it one week and another cleans it the next. A lady comes once a week to clean the entrance hall.

New resident:

Are we able to use the rooftop terrace?


You can use the rooftop terrace to hang clothes out to dry, but you can't store things there.

New resident:

I'd like to install a satellite dish.


You'll have to do it on the rooftop terrace. Municipal regulations don't allow apartment balconies or windows to be used for installing aerials. I'll speak to the other residents, but I don't think there'll be a problem.

New resident:

Thanks very much, that's very kind of you. Please let me know when there's a residents' meeting.


You're welcome. I'll let you know.